Apocynum Press

Community Content License

Hi all! This is the page for the Apocynum Press Community Content program!

You’ll find the signed program license above. An HTML version that should match it can be found here! The first version became active on December 18th, 2021, a bit after 9pm. A second version dated 12/12/2024 was briefly live, but needed minor corrections. This third version is dated 12/27/2024 and went live on 1/4/2025.

At this time, page 11 of the PDF is blank except for the header. This is a presentation error and not part of the license itself.

You can currently find some resources for program participants at https://tinyurl.com/apocynumpress. I’m still gathering more; I’ve commissioned some general-purpose art (but the artist is busy elsewhere), and I hope to offer InDesign templates for Chuubo’s-type work at some point soon, (but I’m busy too).